Hang-gliding and paragliding

in Umbria

Hang-gliding and paragliding

One of the greatest dreams of mankind is to be able to fly

Since 1980 Monte Cucco has been one of the main sites where to practice free flight.

Thanks to the asphalt road which leads directly to the take-off area , pilots are able to effortlessly set up their hang gliders an paragliders. The stable wind and the slightly sloping large field offer the best conditions for an easy take- off , as well as landing.

The above characterisyics have always attracted pilots from all over the world, to the point that Monte Cucco has been the host of 3 World Championships: 1999,2008,2011, preceded by the respective 3 Pre-world championships.

Besides these competitions other events are often held such as the National Italian Championship, every now and then the National Dutch and English Championships and the International Trophy every year.

It is possible also for non experts to go for a tandem flight , with an authorized instructor …. An experience not to be missed .